A part of Free XML Tools.
By:Edinburgh Language Technology Group
Last release:2002-08-23
Platforms:Win32 binary, and C source for Unix platforms.
Category:XML parsers
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LTXML is a set of tools (including a parser) written in portable C. Included are: a program to strip out all XML markup, an XML normalizer (mainly useful for well-formedness checking), an ESIS outputter, an element occurrence counter, a tokenizer, a down-translation tool, a grep tool, a sorting tool, some linking tools as well as some other minor utilities. The executables are mainly intended to be pipelined to produce various kinds of output, but provide a C API that can be used to extend them for other purposes.

The parser used in this toolkit is RXP. LTXML has full support for 16-bit characters and the parser is claimed to be both fully conformant and validating. The parser also supports namespaces.

Last updated at 15.Aug.05 18:11. Free XML tools.