A beer heater
Beer heater in use |
I've written before about the importance of beer temperature, and creative ways of getting it right, such as using my laptop or a digital thermometer. I've been frustrated with the temperature at which beer is served in many places, and so dreamed of some kind of micro-wave based heater that would solve the problem for me.
Now I've actually found a real beer heater. My girlfriend and I had taken a weekend trip to Göteborg (Gothenburg) to relax, and one evening we were having dinner in a lovely pub there, called The Rover. They have a great range of beer, including some of the best local microbreweries, excellent pub-style food, and very good service. The beer, however, was too cold. I said as much to my girlfriend, and was overheard by the bartend, who was passing by just then.
"Do you think the beer is too cold," he asked. Well, I could hardly deny it, so I reluctantly admitted I did find the beer a bit too cold. Reluctantly because I'd been so happy with everything thus far that I didn't really want to complain. The bartender, however, was completely unfazed, and asked "Do you want me to fix it for you?" Now this had me interested, so I said "sure", and he disappeared behind the bar for a while.
In a few moments he came back and asked me to take a sip of the completely full glass. He then took a kind of metal cylinder and stuffed it in my beer, which is what you see in the photo above. After a minute or so the beer had heated appreciably, and was ready for rating. In the photo below I've taken it out of the beer and replaced it in the holder, and unscrewed the cap. It turns out that the top of the cylinder can be opened, so that you can pour hot water into it. You then replace the cap and stick it in the beer. Ingeniously simple!
The bartender had bought his from the gift shop at the Pilsner Urquell brewery in Plzeň. In fact, he'd bought the last three in the shop. So clearly this is what I need to take with me when I go beer hunting, right? Together with a thermos flask with hot water? On second thoughts, maybe not. But it was kind of cool, anyway, and certainly an example of outstanding service to demanding customers.
Beer heater with cap off |
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Knut Albert - 2008-07-03 06:51:41
This should be included in a beer hunters survival kit, then. What else? Bottle opener, camera, notebook, extra pens, some printouts from ratebeer about the place you are visiting, a bottle of water. A t-shirt from the most obscure beer festival or brewpub possible.
Lars Marius - 2008-07-03 09:39:32
For those of us with imperfect memories a printout of the beers we've rated is also necessary. Some sort of pub guide, too. Other than that, I think you've got it.
anon - 2008-12-16 00:46:13
No need to carry a thermos. Just ask for a cup of hot water (i.e. like they would provide for tea)